Meet the Family

Meet the loves of my life . . .

The little one is Eli. At almost 15 months he loves smiling, bLuBeRrIeS, digging for treasures in mommy's craft room, piggy back rides, people watching, picking up things that are bigger than him, bike rides, kisses (emphasized because they're my favorite too), smashing keys on the computer keyboard, getting his head rubbed (lucky kid), and playing with toys anything not intentionally purchased for play (i.e. boxes, mail, straws, and empty 2-liters).

His dislikes include swimming, water splashing in his face, television (imagine that, he won't watch for more than a few minutes and we are glad), walking with shoes on, wearing pants, and being put into anything confining for example oh, say a pumpkin?

I don't know if all children are this happy at his age, but we are so blessed to have such a loving, easy-going, well-behaved, and generally hApPy baby.

As for the big one, that's Matt. He's a laid-back [genius] who makes the most hilarious jokes with a straight face and then laughs at the ones that aren't even funny. He loves all things computers, a true geek (or is it nerd? Apparently there IS a difference) at heart. He can teach himself anything by reading about it online and always knows about (and has to buy) the latest gadgets before most of the world even hears about them. He tries everyday to make sure I am happy. His only significant experience with children has been with our son and I'm pretty positive he is enjoying every minute of it.

As for me, I tend to be the photographer of the family, but this is a recent favorite . . .

My name is Stephanie. I'm a mommy and wife by day and a (reluctant) nurse by night. Here's a little more about me . . .

- You might have figured this out by now, but in case you haven't I love to overuse ellipses (and parenthesis)
- I will make anything into a list, even a list of things I have already completed
- Since I was a little girl I dreamt of having 10 kids (a baseball team and a benchwarmer of course)!
- Since having my first child I have revamped that childhood dream
- I am a semi-aspiring photographer (I'm not sure what that means exactly, but that's what I'm calling it)
- I love crafting, but I'm usually too indecisive to commit to any one project.
- Indecision + Excessively Long To-Do List = Low Productivity
- I'm no expert on being a mommy or wife and I don't claim to be. All I know is I love being both and this kid has me wrapped around his little finger!